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Amoeba Music Compilation
Vol. V
LABEL: Hip Hop Slam / Amoeba
RELEASE DATE: December, 2004
FORMAT: Double CD + Enhanced Video

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2xCD collection in the budget-priced, talent-packed, Amoeba Music
Compilation series
(put together by the Californian independent retail music business
of the same name) contains 39 music tracks plus 8 video clips.
Like its four predecessors, Amoeba Music Compilation Vol. V embraces
numerous genres of music such as punk (including The Avengers,
The Frisk, La Plebe), reggae (Tribulation), hip-hop (including
Azeem, DJ Zeph, Immortal Technique), and electronic (including
Textura, AudioVoid). Over half the tracks on Amoeba Music Compilation
Vol. V are by Amoeba Music staff members including The Ray Makers
(Hollywood), Joe Goldmark (San Francisco), and DJ Platurn (Berkeley).
The enhanced CD portion includes eight video clips including the
Beat Junkies performing live at Amoeba Music Hollywood and Lars
Fredrickson & the Bastards at their record release party at
Amoeba Music San Francisco.
01> Feller Quentin / “Invocation”
02> The Ray Makers / “Rhesus Monkey
Cups” (4:28)
03> Ned / “Cordoba” (2:14)
04> Secret Society of the Sonic Six / “Bad
Citizen” (3:14)
05> The Life on Earth / “Bright White
Light” (3:24)
06> Felicia and Coctopus / “Whiskey
Dick” (2:45)
07> The Moore Brothers / “Fascination”
08> Heather Marie & Erick Meade / “It’s
Nothing New” (2:54)
09> The Abusers / “Damaged” (3:06)
10> Hotwire Titans / “I Got Love”
11> tsktsk / “Million Dollar Red”
12> Tribulation / “Nuf a Dis”
13> Shayne Keator / “The Sea In Between
You & Me” (1:40)
14> Catorce / “Spinning Down”
15> Backyard Bangers / “Road of Good
Intentions” (3:08)
16> Bohemia / “Evury Day” (3:08)
17> Helium 3 / “Razor Blades”
18> The Nervous Breakdowns / “Undependent”
19> The Frisk / “Cracked and Peeled”
20> Electromagnetic / “New York City”
21> Textura / “Frogger” (4:12)
22> Audiovoid / “2-CC (abridged)”
23> DJ Platurn / “A L.S.D.N.”
24> Cockamamie / “Pants” (4:20)
25> Joe Goldmark / “Santicfied Shuffle”
26> Bellweather / “Breathe Deep”
CD2 (audio)
01> Top.R / “Last Night” (2:49)
02> DJ JS-1 (featuring Immortal Technique & Lifelong)
/ “Audio Technician” (2:57)
03> La Plebe / “Exploited People”
04> ShiraGirl / “Go Go Go” (3:40)
05> Tommy Gun & The Bullets / “Stand
Up” (2:21)
06> The Avengers / “We Are The One”
07> The Genie / “Before The World Goes”
08> The Dead Have Highways / “The Alone”
09> DJ Raw B (featuring Luke Sick & Aram)
/ “Proto-ghost Groove” (5:49)
10> Dawgisht / “Blues-01 [12-10-96]”
11> DJ Zeph (featuring Boots) / “Shake
It On Down” (3:24)
12> Azeem / “Show Business” (3:14)
13> Experimental Dental School / “Be
Nice To Mankind” (2:31)
CD2 (enhanced cd video)
01> Amoeba Music Intro
02> Beat Junkies / Live @ Amoeba Hollywood
03> Lars Fredrickson & the Bastards /
Live @ Amoeba, SF
04> DJs of Mass Destruction / “WAR (if
it feels good, do it!)”
05> ShiraGirl / “Living the D.I.Y. Life”
06> Diggin in the Crates @ Amoeba
07> La Plebe
08> Amoeba Music Outro
Shiggar Fraggar
Show! Vol. 5
LABEL: Hip Hop Slam
RELEASE DATE: December, 2006

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This video version of Vol. 5, which is almost identical to the
CD version, offers the bonus of being able to visually experience
the amazing dexterity of the legendary DJ crew prompting Jeff
Chang to write in the Bay Guardian: "What really separates
the Skratch Piklz from the ordinary is their invitingly idiosyncratic
mix of hard-cored B-boy credentials, post-adolescent awkwardness,
and goofy, cartoon/animal/alien/inamimate object cosmology."
Meanwhile URB magazine wrote of this release: "Rare examples
of turntable purity... an underground classic that's all about
the Bay."
Pirate Fuckin' Video 100
LABEL: Hip Hop Slam
RELEASE DATE: December, 2006

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This one-hour video is an attention grabbing hip-hop/DJ themed
VHS companion to the Pirate Fuckin Radio 100 CD. Many,
but not all, of the video tracks corresspond with the CD version.
Included are he live orchestrated turtablist tracks from the Invisibl
Skratch Piklz and the Space Travelers, plus new interpretive video
versions (with lots of graffiti/DJ still shots) of the CD tracks
by Peanut Butter Wolf, DJ Marz, Drum'n'Bass Army, and DJ Sushi.
Also included is a condensed video history of the Hieroglyphics,
a classic, rarely seen Kool Keith video, an interview with Doug
Pray (director of documentary Scratch), live Live Human,
DJ Disk vs. Finger Bangerz, and an out-take of Qbert from The
Shiggar Fraggar Show! Vol. 3 ("Qbert Rocks The Bells").
Vol. 1
LABEL: Hip Hop Slam
RELEASE DATE: December, 2006

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Spanning a decade of hip hop history this sixty minute "DJ
TV" video includes live DJ recordings, interviews, &
videos. Included are several segments from the "Shiggar Fraggar
2000" session that featured Disk, Flare, D-Styles, Finger
Bangerz, Shiggar Fraggar and emcee UB, a twelve minute (mostly
outtake) segment from the legendary May, 1996 "Shiggar Fraggar
Show Vol 5" (originally part of the Pirate Fuckin Radio series)
starring the Invisibl Skratch Piklz in their prime lineup: Mix
Master Mike, QBert, Disk, Apollo, Shortkut, and emcee UB. Taken
from 1993 when Hip Hop Slam TV was on Soulbeat are interviews/live
performances from DJs Apollo and Mix Master Mike. More recent
is the 2001 live performance ("Ahh Yeah!") by DJ Radar
and Tino Corp and also the Ben Stokes produced video "Jazz
Overload" which premiered at the 2001 ResFest.
1) "DJTV Vol 1 Intro (Turntable Cirmcumcison)" (2000/2002)
Music by D-Styles & Flare / Video by Jimmy the Profit &
Sammy Slam
2) "The Famous Finger Bangerz" Golden Chyld & Ngobility
3) "Bangerz Talkin Hella Shit" (2000)
4) "These Are The Cuts" Flare, UB, and Disk's Ugly Grandpa
5) Mix Master Mike, Hip Hop Slam TV (1993)
6) "Ahh Yeah!" Tino Corp vs. Radar @ Future Primitive
(2001) Produced by Ben Stokes
7) "Whadya Mean White Guys Kan't Rap?" MC Flare, Disk,
D-Styles, UB
8) "I'm a DJ" DJ Mek (1994)
9) DJ Apollo Hip Hop Slam TV (1993)
10) GURU freestyle ID (1992)
11) "Cut It Up Flare" DJ Flare (2000)
12) "UB Illin" UB, Disk (2000)
13) "Africa, Antartica, and Your Mom's House" Invisibl
Skratch Piklz (1996)
14) "Goin Way Back" Just Ice Interview, (1994)
15) "Jazz Overload" Ken Blokes (2001)
16) "Makin Me..." Invisibl Skratch Piklz (QBert, Disk,
Shortkut) live @ DNA (1996)
17) "The Making of Wave Twisters" (1999)
18) "Not Yet Freestyle" The Coup/Closing Credits
*Bonus track produced by B+
DJ TV Vol. 1 features in some point in this video:
Golden Chyld, Ngobility, DJ Flare, DJ Disk, Shiggar Fraggar,
UB40, Disk's Ugly Grandpa D-Styles, Q-Bert, Apollo, MixMaster
Mike, Shortkut, Yogafrog, Dug-One, Ben Stokes Syd Garron, Eric
Henry, Robin, Pam the Funkstress, Boots, E Roc, Guru, Mac Ran,
Rocky Mars, Timi D..., Radar, DJ Mek, DJ Shadow, Brian Cross (B+),
Billy Jam, Jimmy Tarsi, Dawg Eat Dawg Designz.
Hip Hop Slam
TV '93
Vol. 3
LABEL: Hip Hop Slam
RELEASE DATE: March, 2007

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AIR DATE: September 18, 1993
This is the first episode to be released (out of chronological
order) from the forgotten Bay Area hip-hop television series "Hip
Hop Slam TV" which broadcast on various Bay Area TV stations
at different times in the early nineties. There were a few separate
series including this one, an independently produced thirteen-series,
Saturday afternoon Hip Hop Slam TV
show that ran in the summer/early fall on legendary, now defunct,
Oakland black music television station Soulbeat on Channel 37.
Clocking in at just an hour, this DVD includes all the highlights
from the third episode (September 18, 1993) in that series including
interviews, freestyles, and videos. Featured are the members of
the then new ieroglyphics crew ("Hiero Day"), New Kingdom,
and Fat Joe. Originally this show was taped and broadcast live
every Saturday afternoon from 2 to 6 out of a small jenky but
very special TV studio deep in East Oakland. The show always gave
much love to the Bay Area scene at large, drawing no distinction
between so-called "hip-hop" and "rap" which
was typically discriminated against at the time by the average
programmer and industry power-hitter.
NOTE: due to the underground nature of this rare recording some
of the sound (on interview portions) may be "ghetto-style"
which, as one praise-bestowing hip-hop critic gushed, is "all
part of the charm and authenticity of Hip Hop Slam TV '93."
Hieroglyphics - Interview and Freestyle (Tajai
of Souls)
(featuring Del thefunkeehomosapien, Souls
of Mischief, Casual, Extra Prolific,
Shamen, and Domino)
New Kingdom - Interview and Freestyle + “Good
Times (Del remix)”
Fat Joe - Interview and Freestyle + “Flow
Del thefunkeehomosapien - “Mistadobalina”
Souls of Mischief - “’93 Til Infinity”
Casual - “That's How It Is”
Digital Underground - “The Return Of The
Crazy One”
BONUS: Hidden TV Commercials