Updated 12/07/05
ALF aka DJ Alpha
Nausea Grl
Fresh Joyce
Tall Paul Lowe
DJ Pone
DJ Stoic
DJ Dank
Frank Casiano II aka DJ Munkifunk
Stevie K
Timi D
Billy Jam



DJ Alpha
Insomniac Productions, 2005

DJ Alpha
Lost In Oz Tour (DVD)
Insomniac Productions, 2005
ALF aka DJ Alpha: DJ/Video
Producer/Editorial Contributor
Alf is a DJ currently serving in the U.S. Air Force. He truly
regrets his decision of joining the military due to many factors
including what‘s going on with the current administration.
However, he has made the best of it thus far making various skratch
songs, mixes, and videos. His frustrations from working nearly
80 hours a week at his job are released through his works.You
can also catch him simply saying “I hate my wack ass job
and all the fools who have done dirt to me and others!”,”You
got yours coming to you!“
He has been interviewed on KALX in Berkeley, Billy Jam‘s
weekly radio show ”Bring That Beat Back“ on WFMU,and
79.2FM in Okinawa, Japan. Also he has written a few articles on
this site. They are articles #027, #031, and #034 located under the News section
of this site.
ALF‘s Top Five Rigamarole
Okinawa, Japan — Love the beauty
of the island. Hates Kadena Air Base with a passion! Don‘t
go there if you work on F-15‘s.
Ronnie Darko — Helped jump start
Alf‘s DJ journey back in Maryland
1976-1988 — The time period when Alf
was exposed to various music by either his parents or listening
to the radio in the morning before heading to school in the
Hip Hop Slam — Expanded Alf‘s
Hip Hop knowledge with various videos, CD‘s and other
things the label have put out over the years. Played a major
influence in the ”Don‘t give a fuck!“ style.
Lost In Oz — A 3 day beach party
sponsored by the OkiZoo crew, which took place 4th of July
weekendat Miyagi Island, Okinawa, Japan.

Nausea Grl: Video Producer
"I like black cats and BB guns."
Cheryl Martinez started watching screens in 1980 and began cutting
them up twenty years later. When she met Billy Jam, ham in hand,
he sententiously shouted that "Japan is a dishpan",
and they lit a joint the size of a Berkeley Police Mobile Substation.
Afterward, it felt like word/image viruses needed to be scratched
out of the skin like the raging mites that eat away at dad's ilocano
folksong record collection. Nausea also collaborates on Hip Hop
Slam music video projects with Zombie Glue Sniffer and his two
1982 VCRs. In her spare tire time, she bikes around on a low rider
selling experiMental flicks that flunked the fuck out of film
school. And in the same fashion as the late Wesley Willis, she
likes being in a one-man band.
Nausea's Favorite Toppings
Del tha funkee Homosapien — "If
your titties is pink you are white and, I'm not the right
Werner Herzog — "I'd shoot that
shit, sure"
Chris Marker — "Did you know
there are emus in the Ile-de-France?"
John Cage — "Which is more musical:
a truck passing by a factory or a truck passing by a music
Jean Baudrillard — "It is a world-wide
verbal fornication"
Prof. Julian Boyd — "If you didn't
understand what I've been saying all semester, then FUCK YOU"
said with chalk fingers and big pants
Jean Paul Sartre — "This is all
and it is not even an event"
Black Olives on Arinell's Pizza

DnZ: Worldz Tallest DJ
DJ, producer, journalist, publicist, lover of all fine women,
("Worldz Tallest DJ" at 6'7") and graduate of Pinole
Valley High (Class of 2002), is a BayArea native, born in
the mighty 415, then moved around to the 510, 925, then back to
the 510. He started being active in the hip-hop scene at age 13
by becoming a B-Boy and a writer (tagger), and then DJ. DnZ began
learning DJ'ing from listening to radio DJ's on 106 kmel and Wild
107 (94.9 back in da day for all u kidz). At age fifteen he started
a Bay Area hip-hop crew consisting of B-Boys, Taggerz and DJ'z
called the Shogun Stylest. In '97 he first heard ISP and
Beat Junkies at his cousin's house off a tape which he said, "sucked
me into the whole skratch world" In 2002 he competed in his
first DJ battle, the Spin Off in Concord. He joined Youth
Radio in 2002 where he teaches younger kids how to dj and
also got to interview such heroes as Rob Swift and Kuttin' Kandi. As a mobile.club DJ he has spun with most of
the best Bay Area House DJ'z (inc. Reckless Ryan, Ghost Tribe
Crew, Joey Mazzolla)and had own hip-hop room at a under ground
rave spot in Point Richmond. In 2000 he started his DJ crew, T.F.S.
DJz. DnZ joined Hip Hop Slam in January 2003 where
his duties include production (radio shows and album tracks),
writing for the website, publicity and promotions and much more.
"DnZ is a very smart, talented, and focused individual who
I predict will go far in the music world," said Billy
DnZ's Influences
Mix Master Mike for his fuck it style
DJ Craze cuz he can cut left or right
Rhettmatic cuz he'z the wise fool in da game and he'z a
dope drummer
Triple Threat DJ's just cuz!!!!
Pone, Platurn, Spair, 4OneFunk, Shing02 and Billy Jam...
and everybody that I have met through Hip Hop Slam
DnZ's Goals
DJ more parties!!!
Start doing clubz
Have a crew to go into I.T.F. and/or DMC and do some dope ass team shit
Transfer to SF state and finish college
Come up more in the skratch scene
Be able to provide for myself
Be on radio more
And make lotz of babies!!!!! thatz all wayz
DnZ's Top Five Dopest Things
Those records with the crazy ass sayingz on them,
like the old Dirt Style rekkids


Qbert vs. D-Styles
Hot Sauce in the Dickhole
Fresh Joyce: Graphic
Art and Production Assistant
A native of the East Bay, Fresh Joyce is currently a super senior
at UC Berkeley majoring in architecture. She first dabbled in
graphic art and film with her work in Loni Dings PBS series, Ancestors in the Americas. Fresh Joyce has also worked
with youth at the Korean Community Center of the East Bay (KCCEB)
and at various other Asian/Pacific Islander groups in the Oakland
area. Growing up I didnt have any Asian American role
models so I volunteered at KCCEB to become one myself and give
back to the community, said Joyce. It was during her time
at KCCEB that she was introduced to hip hop as a tool for activism.
Fresh Joyce looks forward to the opportunity to expand her creative
wings through her collaboration with the Hip Hop Slam crew on
projects that include live productions, posters, and album artwork.
Stay tuned!
Fresh Joyce's Top Five Hip Hop Inspirations
Mainstream Radio for making me search for
music thats enlightening, innovativeand doesnt
suck. (record store digging is her main source)
Qbert vs. D-Styles / "Hot Sauce in the Dickhole" the work that introduced me to the art of scratching.
The Roots Come Alive album The fact
that they all play live.
The Red Towers stairwell at UC Berkeleys Wurster
Hall (painted over in 1999) "At least 5 stories
of this stairwells walls were covered floor to ceiling
in a giant collage of graffiti that was as beautiful as any
Ive seen elsewhere."
Theresa Hak Kyung Cha "Dictee" her
investigation of language, its rhythms, and its role within
identity links it to hip hop in more ways than most people
might think.


MTM 2000
Tall Paul Lowe: Hip Hop
Slam, Ireland
Dublins Tall Paul Lowe was among the first wave of Irish
diehard hip hop headz. In 1984 after seeing the films Beat
Street and Breakin' he got swept up in the culture,
first by getting into breaking, and soonafter all aspects of hip
hop culture. Paul has been an avid fan/supporter ever since; especially
of Irish hip hop and goes to more shows than anyone else in Dublin.
In 2001 he began representing Hip Hop Slam in Ireland and as such
has done such things as report on hip hop in Ireland and organize
the two Irish DJ tracks on the recent Hip Hop Slam compilation
CD Global Turntables.
Tall Paul Lowe's Top Seven Irish Hip Hop Moments
1989 when Public Enemy played in Dublin, three gigs in
one day: an a capella in afternoon, evening at McGonagles
and also at the Trinity College Debs ball when I got all the
guys autographs.
Seeing DJ Mek winning the Irish DMC Champion in the 90s and also the emergence of the Scary Eire crew live
on stage and the infamous lyrics Fuck Ollie Dowling
his baldy head and the DFC.
June 3rd, 2001: witnessing Rahzael live and his amazing
beat box.
July 6th, 2001 when we had the 20th Anniversary Tommy
Boy tour swing through Dublin with such legends on stage
as Arthur Baker, Afrika Bambaataa, Dan the Automator, and Maseo. What a night! What a party! And what great mixing!
2001 July 10th The opening night of Fresh Mode run
by Davey Splyce and O.B. with A-Trak on hand demonstrating the skills that earned him the title
of the youngest ever DMC champ.
2002 April 7th DJ Cash Money who displayed the skills
that earned him his Technics DMC champion title. Too bad there
was such a bad turnout for this event.
2002 April 14 Grandmaster Flash, yes the main man
himself, came to Dublin, Ireland and rocked it. Also that
night watching Irelands own DJ Laz-E using the
vocoder for the first time and displaying his turntable skills.


For The Mentally Astute:
Theory of a Throw-Up
Heratik Productions, 2001
Bas-One: MC/Fifth Element
After years of diligently dedicating his life to hip hop culture
(via his crew Style Elements and his various battle record samples:
most notably on Dirt Style) Veteran Bay Area b-boy Bas-One, who
is finally getting the kind of recognition he deserves (much in
part to his recent instant hip hop classic debut (triple-vinyl)
album For The Mentally Astute: Theory Of A Throw-Up (Heratik
Productions) prompting an East Bay Express feature on the
artist to dub him "The Fifth Element" of hip hop, is
a key member of Hip Hop Slam. Not only is he one of the most vocal
and recognizable personalities on the Scratch Attack radio
show but he also participates in every Hip Hop Slam event such
as hosting the Independent Sounds compilation instore/record
release party/concert at Amoeba Music in January 2002. And like
everyone else involved at Hip Hop Slam, hip hop is more than just
music to Bas-One: it is a lifestyle!
Bas-One's Top Eight

The Porn
/ Turntablism Connection Part 1
The Porn / Turntablism Connection Part 2
The Porn / Turntablism Connection Part 3
DJ Pone: DJ/Backspin Boy
DJ Pone, Fairfields favorite son, has won the 707-area
code North Bay town great pride and notoriety as an accomplished
global star DJ. To many DJ fans back home he may be known for
things such as his part in the 1999 DMC US Finals but in the Far
East DJ Pone is a household name, pinup, teen-idol thanks to his
membership of the international DJ boy-band sensation The Backspin
Boyz, who are Top Ten pop hit-makers in such countries as Singapore,
Korea, Fiji, and Japan. The fact that we are still unknown
in America doesnt bother me, confided DJ Pone in an
interview with TV Asahi backstage at Tokyo Concert Dome after
The Backspin Boyz sold-out Summer 2001 Tour final show.
I like when we get off tour and I get home to the Bay Area
I am able to walk down the street and not be noticed or mobbed
by screaming girls. This anonymity allows Pone to perform
with his other groups. These include been a member of the 89
Skratch Gangstaz (featured on Return of the DJ Vol. 4, Turntables By The Bay, and Global Turntables), a DJ
with the reggae band Dub F/X, and as the main house DJ/personality
on the Hip Hop Slam radio show, Scratch Attack: I Want My Battle
Record Back You Bastard.
DJ Pone's Top Five
NWA / Express Yourself 12 single (not the LP version) Minimalist but funkymy favorite
instrumental. And you cant forget the bodybuilders and
the dancer with MC Hammer pants in the video. Damn, it feels
good to be a gangsta.
Early-mid 90s Pete Rock productions One
of the few hip hop producers Ive heard with a good ear
for harmony. My favorites are the remix of House of Pains
Jump Around, the Youngstaz Pass the
Mic, and Pete Rock & C.L. Smooths I
Got A Love.
The motion pictures Commando, Dawn of
the Dead, and Star Wars: A New Hope As a child of the VCR generation, these are probably
some of the biggest formative influences on my personality. Dawn of the Dead left me especially scarred for life.
Miles Davis Four from Blue Haze (Prestige) So I jumped on the jazz/turntablism-connection bandwagon
about 4 years ago. Ive liked any performance of Four
I ever heard, but this is the best one by far.
Peter North The God of Gravy, he
inspired everything from a song ("Cut From Behind")
to a trip to Las Vegas to meet the man himselfand I
gave him his first skratching lesson.


DJ Stoic
Jack Move & The Beer Belly Blues

Turntables By The Bay Vol. 1
DJ Stoic "3PM Migraine"
Hip Hop Slam, 2001
DJ Stoic: DJ/Producer
DJ Stoic was born and raised in San Diego where he got into mixing
at age 13 by using two cassette decks. Two years later he had
saved up enough to buy his first set of turntables and a mixer
and later by seventeen was DJing house parties and making mix-tapes
and entering local battles at places like Behind The Post Office
in San Diego. Simultaneously he became a hip hop journalist when
he began writing under his real name, Mike Salamida, and consequently
has written for such publications as Subculture, URB, GIG, and the San Diego Union Tribune newspaper.
Even though he's made a couple of dozen mix tapes it wasn't until
2000 (by which time he had relocated to Oakland, CA) that he released
his official release, the underground 5-song EP 1200 Theory where his radio hit "3PM Migraine" (off Turntables
By The Bay) first appeared. Consequently he has worked as
Producer for Hip Hop Slam on several projects including Turntables
By The Bay (he has recorded and remixed tracks and engineered
8-Ball's "The Poetry of War of The Flies"), and the Shigger Fragger Beats Loops & Breaks and Don't Give
A Fuck Style Battle Beats & Breaks. He is currently working
on an underground EP and his much anticipated solo album, slated
for a 2002 release.
Stoic's Top Five
"Everyone likes lists... my top 5 hip-hop albums/tracks
& events."
'85, learning to beat match on two tape decks, feathering
the play/stop/pause buttons to speed up & slow down the
tapes. discovered my natural element in hip-hop.
'84-'85, staying up past midnight on Saturdays to
tape the mix shows on old 92.5 (San Diego). I was a rugrat
but had the dopest tapes in the neighborhood.
Skratchcon2000: like being in an orgy w/ your favorite
porn stars.
Run-DMC, Run-DMC ('83): the album captures
all that I admire in hip-hop.
B-boy Summit 95: back when they were small gatherings,
being able to talk w/ living legends like Futura, Lee, Crazy
Legs, Kurtis Blow & Qbert.


Galleria La Raza
Mission, SF, July 2000
How to Manufacture Your Own CD, Record,
or VHS
Yve-One: Production Coordinator
"Getting busted and thrown in jail is a very humbling experience. It puts your life
in a whole new perspective," says Yve-One, speaking first hand in reference to the
SFPD who busted the graffiti artist on three occasions over the past decade. Raised in
Stockton but living in Oakland, Yve-One has been down with all aspects of hip hop culture
for as long as she can remember. Not just a talented artist, the tireless Renaissance
woman epitomizes the true hip hop spirit of "giving back to your community."
She teaches a graffiti/mural workshop for young women of color and over the last six years
has volunteered countless hours in the fight against AIDS with such street level organizations
as the Glide Memorial HIV Testing Program and Proyecto ConstraSIDA Por Vida: Mobilization
Against AIDS. "To me the fight against AIDS is a serious issue that we in the hip
hop community cannot ignore," she states. As Hip Hop Slam's Production Coordinator,
Yve-One's duties include overseeing all production aspects of putting together such Hip
Hop Slam releases as the Turntables By The Bay CD compilation (including the comprehensive
list of Bay Area DJs), The Last Kreep's The Good
Scratching Record, and the Global Turntables compilation. Aspiring labels/artists
should check out her invaluable Guide
To Making A Record or CD.
Yve-One's Top Five
Gang Starr in concert at San Francisco's DNA lounge '92 (I think...)
Invisibl Skratch Piklz taking the DMC championships in the early '90's
Dream One TDK bombin' the streets (Restin' In Power)
Q-Bert's Wave Twisters: the Movie
Going to NYC with Cypher (TMF), while we kicked it in Greenwich Village with
PhaseOne and Daze back in '93.


DJ Dank
Greatest (bong)Hits

MC Pooh (Pooh-Man)
Life of a Criminal
featuring "Fuckin' wit Dank"
DJ Dank: Producer/Weed Connection
DJ Dank (real name Dan Kay) first arrived at Hip Hop Slam in
1993 during the Soulbeat TV years when his friends at Dawg Eat
Dawg Designz introduced him to the crew. He instantly won the
hearts of everyone at the Hip Hop Slam TV show by breaking off
free twomp-sacks of some of the best, sticky-green, killer-Cali,
weed ever smoked then or since. Consequently he has become, not
only the organization's main weed hookup, but also a very talented
producer (he produced the Turntables By The Bay CD). Additionally
he recently unveiled his own (Hip Hop Slam distributed) vinyl-only
label, Chip Shop Spam Records, whose first release is The Last
Kreep's The Good Scratching Record. But what makes DJ Dank
so unique is that 100% of the time he talks in (rap) tongues:
meaning that every single word he says is a lyric(s) from some
rap song (mainly Bay Area/West Coast ol' skool rap). "Since
I was a youth I smoke weed out... so don't gimme no bammer weed,"
says Dank of his affinity to the chronic. When quizzed on the
art of graf he responds: "Yes indeedy I wrote graffiti on
the bus." Besides his uncanny method of only reiterating
rap verse in conversation, DJ Dank has one other most unusual
character trait. He is a comic-book, cartoon character and although
he flatly denies being the slave to some illustrator's commands
but rather in control of his own destiny ("Don't quote me
boy. I ain't said shit... My hoe's name is Nina!") he does
admit to living in a parallel, animated, hip hop universe hanging
with other like-minded characters such as Red Worm and Lord Ook
(from Wave Twisters), members of Gorillaz, and the Cat
named Five. "It's a game and we in it... game recognize game
in the Bay mayn," he said between bong hash'n'dank hits.
DJ Dank's Top Five
Dr. Dre (featuring Snoop Doggy Dogg) / The Chronic
N.W.A. / Straight Outta Compton
Too $hort / Born To Mack
Poohman / "Fuckin Wit Dank"
11/5 / A-1 Yola

DJ Qbert Interview
DJ Quest Interview
Eddie Def Interview
Frank Casiano II: Chief
Editor (Literary Thug)
aka DJ Munkifunk
Frank Casiano II, (a.k.a. DJ Munkifunk) was born and raised in
the East Bay. He began mutilating music at an early age after
discovering the capabilities of the pause button on a tape recorder.
Likewise, he started writing once he realized a pencil could be
used for other things besides stabbing people. In addition to
his DJ interviews and other writings on this website he is also
working closely with Billy Jam on editing the ongoing QBert biography
(slated for a 2002 publication). Under his "DJ Munkifunk"
alias he has recorded/performed with the groups SoundtheFury and
The Harvey Woos and also co-hosts the Hip Hop Slam radio show
"Scratch Attack".
In addition to scrawling curse words for Hip Hop Slam, his hit-man
style of journalism has also bombed the pages of Inspector, Ventilator, SF Bay Guardian and Philippine News.
He now lives in the Sucka Free City and is a terror to editors
and musicians everywhere... including himself. "No fucker rewrites me."
Frank's Top Five
Run D.M.C. / self-titled debut
Egyptian Lover / On the Nile
Time Zone feat. Afrika Bambaataa & Johnny Rotten /
"World Destruction"
Beastie Boys / Paul's Boutique
El Stew / No Hesitation


Closed Caption
The Harvest
Stevie K: DJ/Producer/Mastering
Stevie K has been down with Hip Hop Slam since the mid-ninties
when he collaborated on several of the Pirate Fuckin Radio shows/mix-tapes
and appeared on the air with his old rap hip hop crew Closed Caption
(1994-1996). He has mastered every Hip Hop Slam label release
to date. Stevie started as a DJ in 1987 performing at local schools,
and later doing battles around the Bay Area. In 1990, he began
building up his home studio, the infamous Ice Chamber. The Closed
Caption albums he produced showed his unbiased approach to hip
hop: with lots of him scratching in Bay Area/West Coast records
(check for his "Young Mixdown" on Closed Caption's first
album and also on Pirate Fuckin' Radio). After Closed Caption
disbanded Stevie had totally upgraded his studio. Consequently
he has worked with a long list of artists, in both production
and engineering capacities, that include Fanatik, Boots, Shingo
2, Mystik Journeymen, Bas-1, Pinay, and Yvette Pylant. He is currently
working on a new break record series for Chip Shop Spam Records.
Visit his website: www.icechamber.com
Stevie K's Top Five
EPMD / Strictly Business
A Tribe Called Quest / Low End Theory
Eric B & Rakim / Paid In Full
N.W.A. / Straight Outta Compton
RBL Posse / A Lesson To Be Learned


Invisibl Skratch Piklz
Photo by Timi D...
May 1996

DJs Z-Trip and Quest
Photo by Timi D...
Timi D...: Photographer
Timi D... started taking pictures as a young kid with a Mickey
Mouse camera and hasn't stopped since. He joined Hip Hop Slam
by accident when in 1991, after coming back from living in Japan,
he came on the KUSF radio show armed with, not just great photos
of Japanese hip hop, but also lots of Japanese hip hop to play.
He never left and consequently has been the photographer for Hip
Hop Slam taking thousands of incredible pictures. As well as gracing
many of the Hip Hop Slam label releases' cover artwork, Timi's
pictures have appeared in countless publications including: Billboard, San Francisco Chronicle, BAM, Bay Guardian, SF Weekly, URB, BOMB, 4080, SF
Examiner, Strivin', Hip Hop Connection (UK), Stealth (Australia), and Top 40 (Sweden). Timi is
also the main Hip Hop Slam videographer: he did camera for the
"Hip Hop Slam TV" series on Soulbeat Television and
the "Shiggar Fraggar Shows." A collage of Timi D's work
appears in the Pirate Fuckin' Video set to Peanut Butter
Wolf's music, and six of his ol skool still photos appear in the
documentary Scratch (including one of Mixmaster Mike, QBert,
Apollo, and Disk from '92). He is currently archiving his past
ten years of hip hop photography for future publication.
Timi D's Top Eleven
Why eleven? "Because mine goes to 11!!!!" he insists.
The Hip-Hop Slam Show years on KUSF with all guest
appearances 1991-1994!
BDP / Ghetto Music, The Blueprint of Hip-Hop
Andre Nickatina / Cocaine Raps Vol.1
Bush Babees / Gravity
Goodie Mob / Still Standing
Bomb Hip-Hop / Return of the DJ Vol.2
11/5 / Fiendin' 4 Tha Funk
Boo Yaa Tribe / One Funky Nation
The Shiggar Fraggar Show! Vol.5
Some mix tape from Z-Trip in '94
The Hip Hop Nation exhibit at Yerba Buena
Center for the Arts


WAR (if it feels good, do it!)
Cover art and design
Hip Hop Slam, 2003

Pirate Fuckin' Radio 100
Cover art and design
Hip Hop Slam, 2000
Dawgisht: Graphic Artist
Geoff Rantala and his successful, independent Oakland graphic
company Dawg Eat Dawg Designz (which has designed numerous Bay
Area rap/hip hop and drum'n'bass record/CD covers) has been an
integral part of Hip Hop Slam since 1993 when he handled all the
online graphics for the live, four-hour weekly show, "Hip
Hop Slam TV" on Soulbeat Television. It was at this time
he designed the hip hop dog character Dan K (pronounced Dan Kay),
which originally was the code word for saying that it was time
for the HHS crew to smoke a joint. Since '93, Dawg Eat Dawg has
designed nearly every Hip Hop Slam flyer, mix-tape and many album/CD/video
covers. Ever a humble fellow, Geoff is not just a graphic artist
but also a talented music producer and beat digger. Recording
under the name Dawgisht, he has a series of recommended underground
breaks and beats CD compilations, and has also seen his music
appear on the Drop Beat and XLR8R (as part of H.$.O.) labels.
Geoff's Top Five in the Past Shit
Growing up in Oakland and always hearing beats everywhere ("Rappers Delight" in kindergarten, "Jam
On It" and the Beat Street soundtrack all summer
in '84, 75 Girls Too $hort fleamarket bootlegs, etc.)
Taping Beni-Bs KALX show every Saturday night in
'90, and then trying to dub the records I heard off my
Getting an Amiga 4000, 8-bit sampler cart, and tracker
program (OctaMED!)
and starting to learn to make beats in '91
Doing video graphics for the live Hip Hop Slam TV show
on Soulbeat in '93 (after growing up watching Soulbeat
since '83), and getting to meet so many artists each weekend
Your Mamas Cafe in '95-'96 (always someone
spinning SOME kind of beats there... gave me ideas and started
to get me more open to other shit)
Top Five Records
415 / 41Fivin
K.M.D. / Mr.Hood
Too $hort / Born to Mack
Organized Konfusion / self-titled
De La Soul / ... Is Dead


Egyptian Love & Run DMC
Concert Flyer

A-1 Yola
Dog Day, 1996
Billy Jam: Executive Producer
"I'm not old. I'm old school," insists Irish immigrant
Billy Jam who fell in love with hip hop back in the late seventies
when he first got to New York. Since then he has dedicated himself
to supporting the art form of hip hop through various forms of
media. "I look at media, be it print, radio, Internet, television,
or whatever as all the same thing: just another way to get your
message across," says Jam who in 1984 started as a radio
DJ on KALX, Berkeley, CA. Consequently he has been on countless
radio stations (many of them kicking him off their airwaves for
"obscene content" in the hip hop music he played). He
has also produced numerous Hip Hop Slam TV shows over the years.
In 1987 he added journalism to his media assault, with publications
including: The Source, BOMB, Vibe, XXL, CMJ, Hits, No Joke, Stealth, Rap
Pages, BAM, Murder Dog, San Francisco Chronicle, SF Weekly, and The SF Bay Guardian. In 1998 he began
producing music CDs, records, and
videos with an emphasis on DJ/turntablist music. Along with
Hip Hop Slam's Chief Editor Frank Casiano II, he is currently
working on the authorized biography of DJ QBert.
Billy's Top Five
1979: Getting my first taste of hip hop when I moved
to New York City (seeing all the subway trains bombed with
this graffiti art & hearing the music blaring out of boom-boxes).
1983/84: These were the years that convinced me that
hip hop was the most important music out there: going to rap
concerts like Egyptian Lover & Uncle Jamm's Army along
with Run DMC at Oakland Convention Center and Grand Master
Flash at Berkeley Square, seeing b-boys breakin at Fisherman's
Wharf, being inspired by movies like Wild Style & Beat Street, and being spellbound by records like Run
DMC's first album, Egyptian Lover's single "What Is A
DJ If He Can't Scratch," Malcolm McLaren's "Duck
Rock," the Art of Noise's first album, and "Rockit"
by Herbie Hancock with Grandmixer DST and getting started
as a radio DJ who could play all this great music.
1986-1990: "Hip Hop Slam" the KALX years,
when hip hop was a rare thing on the radio so there was this
electric energy with every show: with the live call-in raps
and knowing that every new hip hop record would be a good
record: and a time when every album had a DJ song.
1990-1995: The golden years of Yay Area hip hop with
amazing releases from such diverse acts as RBL Posse, The
Click, JT Tha Bigga Figga, Dre Dog, 11/5, Cellski, Cougnut,
Paris, 415, Filthy Phil, MC Pooh, The Coup, The Govenor, 2Pac,
Digital Underground, Charizma & Peanut Butter Wolf, Too
$hort, Mac Dre, X-Raided, C-BO, Herm Lewis, Saafir, The Automator,
and Blackalicious.
2001: Going to DJ events like the Scratch / Wave Twisters screenings, the Tableturns and Allies
Beatdown events in NYC, and the U.S. Finals and Regional DMC
battles in San Francisco, and just being blown away at witnessing
how far scratch DJ/turntablist music has advanced as a fully
recognized art form.