DJ D-Styles
Style Wars:
Tony Silver
& Henry Chalfant
Grand Wizard Theodore
DJ Qbert
DJ 8-Ball
Space Traveling
(part 1):
DJ Quest
Space Traveling
(part 2):
Eddie Def
Space Traveling
(part 3):
DJ Cue and DJ Marz
Sacramento Rap History
Lesson by X-Raided
He's The King
of The Smut... On Two Turntables: The Porn / Turntablism Connection
Part 3 DJ Relm and DJ Streak Interview
Just Whatever Rocks:
The World Famous Beat Junkies
Waxing That
Wax: The Porn / Turntablism Connection Part 2 D-Styles
Thriftin' For a Scratch:
The Hella Broke-Ass
Style of DJ'ing
DJ Pone Reports
from the 2002 Adult Entertainment Expo in Las Vegas
DJ Apollo Receives
"Hip Hop Slam Hall of Fame Award"
A Scratch Odyssey:
Year in Review
QBert Receives "Hip
Hop Slam Hall of Fame Award"
How to Manufacture
Your Own CD, Record, or Tape
Dirt Hustlin':
Oakland's New Underground'
Filipino American DJs of the Bay Area
Party Blocking
at the DMC American Battleground
If you were to search for a single name or face behind the wild
success of the Invisibl Skratch Piklz, you would inevitably find
the mastermind called Yogafrog. As president of the recently revamped
Thud Rumble Ltd., he has taken their patented style of "skratch
music" beyond all known boundaries and placed it atop a burgeoning
cultural movement.
With almost no formal business training, Yogafrog has managed
to earn shining credits as executive-producer for both the Wave
Twisters album and Wave Twisters the Movie. As producer
of the widely popular Turntable TV videos and co-founder
of the Skratchcon2000 event series, Yogafrog has successfully
secured his position at the forefront of a million-dollar industry.
If youve ever wondered how far "skratch music"
could go, peep Yogarfrog on the horizon
Never to be caught in the vapor trail, Yogafrog is always looking
to the future. Since taking over the business affairs of the former
deejay crew, his incredible foresight has kept him on an unwavering
road of success. "We just watched this movie, Scratch, and
it encompassed the last 20 years and it was great," says
Yogafrog. "And thats what influenced all of us to be
where we are today and I guess our focus is where the next 20
years will be for scratchingall scratching."
With the ISP name officially retired, Yogafrog has continued
to evolve his business persona in order to stay ahead of the game.
"Its a continuation of this transformation were
going through. I guess, for us to do that, it will enable us to
focus on whats new and not just whats been,"
explains Yogafrog. "We want to focus on more futuristic things
for the people instead of just old history, old music, old topics
Though many people are still lamenting the demise of the former
crew, Yogafrog assures that the changes will be for the better.
"The same focus were on is training," says Yogafrog,
"so whatever comes out of that is going to be good no matter
what. Were all trainingnot just for the turntablesbut
spiritually and [for] the advancement of the art form."
As for catching Yogafrog himself behind the wheels of steel,
he continues to sheepishly demure: "If you want to see me,
just come here or something or to the Warplex and, yknow
all having a good time
Ill do something
So while a live public performance may not be forthcoming, you
can still catch a glimpse of the turbo skratch in Wave Twisters
the Movie.
"Theres a lot of things
" says Yogafrog,
"like DJ Flare, who youll never see him up on stage,
but youll see him cut it up here in private. Every deejay,
Id bet would say, their best routines or best performances
were done in closed areas or intimate settings. I kind of enjoy
that more."
While the future is still open to even more dizzying heights
of achievement, Yogafrogs legacy has already been etched
firmly in stone. His company, Thud Rumble Ltd., made a major mark
on the world of turntablism when it hosted the now-legendary Skratchcon2000,
which included the Invisibl Skratch Piklzs final swan song
at the Fillmore auditorium.
"I think it all went as planned, as we wanted it planned,"
says Yogafrog. "We wanted to just encompass everyone getting
together and utilizing what was learned in the last 20 years into
one show."
By any standard, Skratchcon2000 was a huge success, surpassing
all expectations and weathering well through some serious detractionssome
from one of the longest running crews in the Bay Area, the Bullet
Proof Space Travelers, whos hardcore b-boy stance was too
much for some attendees to handle.
"What theyre saying is everyone that was a part of
it is wrong," says Yogafrog. "So thats the whole
entire deejay worldfrom everyone from DJ Shadow to the X-Men,
to the Beat Junkies
to everyone. But theyre the only
ones right
thats my interpretation. Were all
wrong but theyre right. Were all together trying to
do something positive. We got every crew in the whole world, in
one place and we all agreed to do it
but we had one group
that said its all wrong. So whos really wrong?"
Whether or not there will be another such forum on the DJ arts
is still up in the air. "Our intention was to do it like
the Olympics, like every other year or every four years, but I
think that was it," says Yogafrog. "Well see what
the next 20 years does
This interview took place on December 12,
2000 at the Lair of the Octagon.
Dopestyle, yo.