Updated 07/19/07
DJs of Mass
06/23/07 — MP3
[ NEW! ]
DJs of Mass
Interview and Article
by Rob Fatal (KSSU)
06/23/07 — MP3
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(the turd hunt continues…)
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(if it feels good, do it!)
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SF, CA 01/18/03
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posted 01/29/03
SF, CA — 09/11/03
posted 10/01/03
Bay Guardian
Local Grooves
DJ Stefan
WFMU — New York
Here's an interview with the DJs of Mass Destruction,
recorded right after their live performance on KFJC
89.7FM (Foothill College, Los Altos Hills, CA). The
interview was conducted by Rob
Fatal of The
Waxaholixx Show (KSSU-AM,
Sacramento State Radio, CA) on Saturday, June 23rd, 2007.
Rob also wrote a great article, which you can read further
down this page. (Thanks Rob!)
Check 'em out!
[ Click
Here to hear the Interview from KSSU! (17.8 MB MP3)
[ Click
Here to jump to the Article by Rob Fatal! ]
[ Click
Here to hear the Live KFJC Performance! (74.1 MB MP3)
Article of Mass Destruction
and Words by Rob Fatal
/ Photos by Andrew Venegas
and excitement race through my mind as I creep timidly through
the dim interior of Foothill College’s KFJC radio: a small
station in the middle of a grass field, 20 miles north of San
Jose, CA. I navigate my way down a dark, cold hallway which dumps
into a concrete pit surrounded on all sides by towers of vinyl
records and tall glass windows. This spot is commonly known as
an in-studio performer’s space for KFJC, today, however,
it will be the site of one of the most subversive acts against
the U.S. government since 2003. This pit will today serve as war
room for the DJs of Mass Destruction (DJs
OMD): a hip hop axis comprised of DJs and producers from
the Bay Area, New York, Japan, Ireland and Baltimore. Their mission:
to hijack the air waves and Internet stream in an attempt broadcast
their message of mental revolution to the world.
This rare live performance by the group is being held in honor
of their second album: WAR
II (the turd hunt continues…) (released
in June on Hip Hop Slam — www.hiphopslam.com).
This sophomore album seems almost courageous if one knows the
history of the group’s first album, 2003’s, WAR
(if it feels good, do it!). The socio-political
climate of the United States at the time of the first WAR’s
release was, to say the very least, tense. The fear of 9/11 was
still fresh in the minds of Americans as orange alerts were a
daily staple on the news, war was starting with Iraq. This fear-laden
environment made it extremely unpopular to criticize the Bush
administration in any way, shape or form…..
DJs OMD second in command, DJ Pone (Hip Hop Slam/
Canned Beats/ Transplants), recalls the surreal atmosphere of
November 2003, the month WAR hit the streets, with a
story of a devastated music tour he did with BOMB HIP
HOP USA owner Dave Paul. The story goes
like this: one day Paul used the BOMB company credit card to purchase
airplane tickets to various destinations across the United States
on the BOMB music tour; the first of these destinations was Oklahoma
Pone reasons that, “The very, very aware citizens that took
David Paul’s ticket order somehow made the connection between,
BOMB, HIP HOP, OKLAHOMA CITY; and called the Feds.” The
first show of the BOMB music tour was in San Francisco and, furthermore,
was met with open arms… of the United States Secret Service
agents who were present at the venue. Later, the Secret Service
“ransacked” Dave Paul’s house according to Pone,
and made Paul the target of “random” security checks
at airports throughout the rest of the tour. Oddly enough, Paul
is described by his DJs OMD comrades as a-political and having
nothing to do this the original WAR album. Pone decries that Paul
was a victim of the paranoia that was typical of the American
public in November 2003 and their fear to speak out against Bush
administration policy; “It was kinda scary”, he reflects.
Yet, the DJs OMD released WAR regardless and in doing
so endured government wiretaps (supposedly), sporadic Secret Service
presence and public reaction to the group as traitorous and un-Patriotic.
Fast-forward 4 years to the release of WAR II. The American
socio- political climate is a bit lighter: Now it is popular for
Jay Leno to make cheesy one-liners about Bush, whereas in 2003
the subject was completely off limits. The paranoia of orange
alerts on Fox news has given way to images of Paris Hilton being
hauled to jail; and our government now deems the biggest threat
to our modern society to be, no longer terrorism but, gay marriage.
DJs OMD ring leader, Billy Jam sums it up best
as he is interviewed on-air by KFJC veteran DJ Trinity:
“After the war started, a lot of people were, like, afraid
to say anything so they wouldn’t appear un-American, others
were like, speaking out against it. And now, we all agree that
it’s wrong; everybody. But, I think a lot of people have
become complacent.” WAR II seeks to rectify this
complacency with a compelling audio rendition of the last four
years since WAR broke out….
So, here they are, four years later, right back where they started:
on a mission to wake up a population that sways with the tides
of the mass media. I watch DNZ, Dawgisht,
Pone, Billy Jam, Shing02 and DJs OMD newcomer
and former U.S. armed forces member, ALF, set
up their equipment in the KFJC pit. A nod from Billy Jam starts
the session. A high pitched, tingy radio signal freak out cuts
through the air announcing to the world that the DJs OMD have
once again seized the air waves; A dreadful bass line booms in,
accompanied by the voice of Bush himself. His vocals have been
slowed down to the same creep and moan as a dope fiend. His words:
“America is Addicted to Oooooooooooooil.” This cut-and-paste,
electro montage is a look inside the mind of an oil addict: zombie-like
in pace, and dark and treacherous in melody. Familiar voices of
reason, Chuck D and Jello Biafra, are scratched in on the vinyl
and CD turntables by DNZ, ALF and Pone as precisely and eerily
as the beats of Dawgisht and the fader board keys of Shing02.
This song sets the somber, darker tone of this second WAR
album; an album obviously meant to be reflective of the hardships
and helplessness experienced by the DJs OMD axis and, perhaps,
some of the American population during the duration of the Iraq
war. As DJs OMD beat maker, Dawgisht, notes: “The whole
thing has a darker feel to it. The first one was [sic] a lot more
little comedy, kind of [sic] upbeat. But this one’s [sic]
music and the subjects are defiantly a lot darker, a little more
twisted. I mean just like life is right now, it’s a little
darker and more twisted.”
Back in the pit, what sounds like twisted carousel organs screech
out the notes to the next song “SHUT UP”: a perfect
rendition of the brash, overbearing cries of the right wing when
anyone would speak out against their president. The simplistic,
demented child-like beats and strategic, vivid quotes of Bush
and Bill O’Riley articulately communicate the feeling of
being talked down to by the higher ups in the government, similar
to a child being talked down to by a parent. The Bush and O’Riley
quotes make one feel like a child discovering that Santa was a
lie all over again and being yelled at for crying about this tragic
discovery: “You say we’re headed to war in Iraq, I
don’t know why you say that.” “I’m the
person that gets to decide, not you.” “It is our duty
as loyal Americans to shut up” “You had your 35 minutes,
now shut up!” “Shut Up” Shut UP” “SHUT
Despite the fact that this album is loaded with a familiar and
deliberately left-wing political agenda, this performance and
album are a-political displays of sheer sonic-musicianship and
brilliance that would make even the most right-wing hip hop fan
say, “werd.” Futuristic musical weapons make up the
backbone of this audio-blitzkrieg: mp3 sampling turntables, computers
and beat machines, a rare fader board that plays like a robotic
piano made out of a DJ mixer and finally, the Islamic keyboard.
Every song is executed with a professionalism and naturalness,
so that each note played and sample scratched yields another cybernetic
rhythm. No matter where your political affiliation lies, one cannot
deny the sheer virtuosity and inspiration of their craft, especially
on this album… and especially today in the pit of KFJC.
While the act of musicianship is somewhat a-political, the choice
of using turntablism and hip-hop as their medium is a deliberate
minority response to the powers-that-be. Hip hop is a signature
of who they are and where they come from. Turntablism and hip-hop
connect the axis to a longer lineage and deeper context of minority
musicians that was around long before they were born and will
extend long after they die. As DNZ puts it, “It’s
just us.” These cyborg instruments also offer their masters
many affordances classic instruments cannot. Pone reasons that
sampling and manipulating the media, via turntables and beat machines,
offers a power and voice to the social, racial and/or political
minority; the outcast of society who must forcefully take in the
overwhelming information of CNN, FOX and NBC with little or no
say in response. “It’s kinda like taking what the
media feeds us and regurgitating it back at them. You know? Kinda
like we were [Lardass] in Stand By Me.”
At the end of their sixty four minute set, the DJs OMD have painted
a near complete picture of American life as they have seen it
since the war in Iraq started: They’ve debated what is the
best way to go about ending the war, musically articulated the
American psyche of hopelessness and distrust, called George Bush
an incompetent leader and Jay Leno a sheep and played some amazing
music. Their work seems to be done for the day, but one cannot
help but ask: Was anything accomplished? Shing-02, Japan’s
delegate to the DJs OMD axis, responds: “You got to separate
the two, you know? Like what’s going on in the world of
politics and entertainment, and what’s going on around you.
You know? [sic] Because you can obviously change, and you
can have an influence on the next person…therefore, there
is a good reason to do something like this.” As he says
this, I suddenly hear a ghostly echo of another musical rebel,
Eugene Hutz of Gogol Bordello and his cry to: “Think locally”
and “fuck globally”.
The whole day comes into focus, as do the last four years: all
of the local protests, local rallies, local benefit concerts,
discussions with friends and neighbors. These were not in vein,
but were instead, all efforts to better our immediate world. And
so today, in the pit of KFJC, these 5 rebels did just that: they
changed the small world around them into something they felt was
better. I feel then, it is apt to close with a quote from one
of the DJs of Mass Destruction’s favorite sample sources:
“Mission Accomplished.”
DJs of Mass Destruction are:
Pone — Lead Dubya, Ahhnold & Psychic Friends
— ARP Odyssey and Faderboard Organs & Synths
ALF — FX & Instrument Drops and Boot Camp
DnZ — Hip Hop Rebuttal Skratch and Your Mom
Jam — Rhythm Bush-isms and Islamic Prayer Laptop
— Amiga 1200 Beats & Basslines
D… — Video and Stills
— Catering and Head of Security
Mom — Roadie and
Security of Head